Saturday, August 17, 2013

Potato Fry

  1. Potatoes - 2 (Large)
  2. Red chilli powder - 1/2 tbsp
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Oil - 4 tbsp

Take a non-stick frying pan add oil, when the oil is hot enough add the chopped potatoes and 1/4 tbsp salt and cover and cook them on above medium heat for 8-10 mins by stirring occasionally.
Remove the lid and check the potatoes (the potato should be soft and break easily when press with spoon). If they are cooked take off the lid and fry them on medium heat for 12-15 mins by stirring for every 2-3 mins. (Make sure they don't stick to pan).
Then turn off the stove and add red chilli powder and salt and mix them well. Serve them hot with white rice.

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